Old face - 3D works

CG Character

Face Wire Frame - 3D works

Empire Total War Print Ad

Close up of the Empire Total war character

Muse Space Suit

Empire Total War Zbrush model - empire total war character in zbrush

Singapore navy ad

Photorealistic Male Model - The first of our Photorealistic character series.. Complete with a 2 hour Texturing, Lighting and rendering tutoral. This guy is going to be avaliable from out online Shop when it goes live at the end of January 2010

Photorealistic female Model - Ten24 produced this highly realistic female model as a texturing and zbrush sculpting exercise. You can purchase the model from our store -- www.ten24.info

Photorealistic female Model - Ten24 produced this highly realistic female model as a texturing and zbrush sculpting exercise. You can purchase the model from our store -- www.ten24.info

Photorealistic female Model - Ten24 produced this highly realistic female model as a texturing and zbrush sculpting exercise. You can purchase the model from our store -- www.ten24.info