Rising Sun - Painted this...in between diaper changes.
A Clearing - Time for an enviro.
Femme Series - Slapped some colour on these designs.
Femme 04 - A.V.O.N. merc. ;p
Femme 02 - Devil Wears Uzi.
Femme 01 - Yee haw.
mech 03 - Mech concept.
mech 02 - Mech concept.
mech 01 - Mech concept.
Game of Death Remix - Finally finished this sucker (before baby #2 arrives). Loosely influenced by Bruce Lee's Game of Death...well only the stripe on the suit really.
Hurricane Punch - Great for knockouts and black outs! ;) Forward, Down, Down-Forward, Forward + Punch. Look familiar? Sho-taifu-ken!
Feudal Futura - So this was loads of fun. Sort of a retro, medieval influenced future. Samurai vs. Knight vibe.
Space Ronin - Spppppaaace Ghoooooosst.....er Ronin. Next, Space Ronin goes to war!
Scourge - So a bit of a twist on the plague of locusts. Cyborg locusts!
Aftermath - Post-apocalyptic setting.
Fight in Nihon Alley - I wanted to incorporate some characters in this background I painted earlier. Sort of an homage to Tekken, hope ya digs.
Nihon Alley - Environment painting.
Kaiju Attacks - Who doesn't like monster movies eh?
Tundra - Here's a little enviro, starting to really enjoy doing this now. In the past, I felt doing bg's were more a necessary part of a piece, not necessarily because I enjoyed doing it. But rendering a more painterly style these days has made enviros a lot more enjoyable. Notice that shadow? Is it a man? A woman? Are they arriving or leaving? Is that a scarf or hair flowing in the wind? You tell me!
Scorpion's Run - A little sci-fi pursuit.
Mech Battle - More conceptual work, continuing with the sci-fi theme.
Round 1 - Here's a mock screenshot I put together. All the art is vector based, made in Adobe Illustrator.
The Last Stand - Just your everyday little sci-fi, city under siege scenario.
Concept Art
Ted Kim
Concept Artist/Illustrator Toronto, ON