Designs for a re-work of pages throughout Goals: Expand the grid past the extremely limiting 540px width, create more space for useful information and eventually advertising. Establish a strong grid & information hierarchy.
Designs for a re-work of pages throughout Goals: Expand the grid past the extremely limiting 540px width, create more space for useful information and eventually advertising. Establish a strong grid & information hierarchy.
Hometown Annapolis Opinion pages spec - Designs for a re-work of pages throughout Goals: Expand the grid past the extremely limiting 540px width, create more space for useful information and eventually advertising. Establish a strong grid & information hierarchy. Employer Spotlight spec - Layout idea for creating from scratch a page to feature local employers for the job board arm of Goals: Easy to use, easy to share. Useful information that put the employer's best foot forward while providing value for the job seekers. Allow space for relevant advertising.
Hometown Annapolis Neighborhoods page spec - Designs for a re-work of pages throughout Goals: Expand the grid past the extremely limiting 540px width, create more space for useful information and eventually advertising. Establish a strong grid & information hierarchy.
Icons - Icon package designed for use on Increased for detail.
Icons at 100% - Simple icons for newspaper website.
Cory Brown
Creative Pro, Advertising Designer Austin, TX