Los Cabos incentive trip brochure - Brochure describing a trip for top sales reps to Los Cabos, Mexico.
Maryland Therapeutic Riding Poster - Each year, MTR holds several fundraising events. This is a poster for the Music from the Mountains concert honoring John Denver.
FauxTunes.com business card - Chad is in the business of selling t-shirts for fake bands, so he wanted a card that had the feel of a concert ticket. Guitar guy logo was provided, I just made the card.
The Capital Blow-In subscription cards - BRM cards inserted into store & rack copies of The Capital to solicit new subscribers.
Baby Shower Invitation
Ireland incentive trip brochure - Brochure detailing prize trip to Ireland for top performing sales reps.
The Capital billing calendar. - At The Capital, my department was responsible for a bunch of year-over-year reports, and those that weren't revolved around the accounting billing cycles. This calendar has 2008 on a line above 2007, so it was much easier to pick the right dates. Circles note the beginning of a billing period, and squares mark the end. Red is for non-publishing days.
Mill Creek Sewage Spill - A representative Anne Arundel County government actually called and complained to the publisher about this piece. Three million gallons of sewage dumped into a small creek in a residential area, making back yards unsafe, especially for pets and children. We had to turn on a dime to get this out fast enough to be relevant to the residents in the damaged area, but we thought it was important to emphasize the fact that we were the only local media covering the story.
Cory Brown
Creative Pro, Advertising Designer Austin, TX