Groveland Home Page - The home page. Objectives for this page included an easily accessible, prominent donation button, clear navigation, and the ability to update content and appearance from time to time. Our scrolling photo banner keeps things looking fresh while providing navigational cues; the "story of the month" provides updates that encourage people to donate by showing them how their contributions help.
Groveland Clients Page - The Groveland clients page is for people who need food assistance. Groveland wanted this page to provide information for visitors in one central location (to be easily printed at a library, for example). We wanted to make it warm and approachable. Chunking information helped sift through everything that's available on the page, with key basics in the sidebar. The muted green color scheme and logo watermark were described as "friendly" and "welcoming" during user testing.
Groveland How to Help Page - This page is for potential donors and volunteers, and it was important that it communicate options and background with clarity and credibility. For those who want more detailed information about what opportunities are available and how they support the mission of Groveland, visitors can proceed to a dedicated donation or volunteer page.
Groveland Donor Page - This page describes what kinds of donations are accepted, giving the option to help with funds or items. There is also a statement describing the outcome of monetary donations, which we hope makes the connection between the donor and the community they're serving more real.
Groveland Volunteer Page - Like the donor page, the volunteer page lists opportunities to help in different ways. A donation button is located off to the side in case a potential supporter decides that's a more convenient way for them to help, hours are included as they relate to volunteering, and a contact link is available for any further questions.
Groveland News Page - One of the goals Groveland gave us was to update visitors on events and important information. We've included a blog-style listing of news updates that keep visitors apprised of happenings at Groveland, and included social media links for news access through other channels. It would be possible to link these platforms so that updating this page posts to the organization's Facebook and Twitter pages.
Groveland Contact Page - We tried to keep the site clean, concise, and easy to navigate. With three different user groups (clients, supporters, and staff), however, it's possible that visitors will still have questions. A contact form makes it easy and approachable to get in touch, and offers question categories to make sure messages get to the right staff member at Groveland. Note the social media links here as well.
UX Design - Groveland Emergency Food Shelf

As part of a class on user experience and interaction design, several groups of students redesigned the website of a local food shelf. This is my group's final design. You can click through an interactive prototype here:

Taylor Hill
Student Minneapolis, MN