This is Inky. Inky is a pen plotter. I was inspired by Motori The Plotter ( However, I had a single goal in mind. I wanted to use an existing tool chain to control it. It continues to be a learning experiment. I've been working on a typing program that will allow me to type to the plotter. I'm also interested in recreating work by early electronic artist George Nees (
My understanding of electronics is fairly solid, but still rudimentary. This is a simple custom shield made for connecting the end stops.
Inky is controlled by an Arduino. It uses a modified firmware for the Makerbot controller. It accepts commands from Replicator G in ReplicatorG's own protocol, interprets them and in turn controls the steppers via an AdaFruit MotorShield. I decided against makeing my own drivers, because I wanted this project to be as reproducible as possible. Perhaps for a Jr High student.