Satellite city - a play about about a de-addiction group for television junkies. We made a two sided tv that makes one question the boundaries between real and reel life.
Spunk - The play talks about a sperm donor and how the people involved are inter-connected. We made a tape installation representing the 'sticky situation' the people are caught in.
Overall display - Lamps with the festivals logo
Natak Nako - a play that is not a play ! The different facial expressions with bold coloured cloth coming out of it show unrestricted expression of emotions that is seen during the play.
Live Project - venue design

CLIENT : Rage Productions
SITE: Prithvi Theatre, Mumbai
BRIEF: to design the venue for a theatre festival, Writers Bloc, in which 12 plays were to be enacted.
Our job involved reading and analysing the plays and coming up with spatial installations for the same. These installations were intended to generate interest and act like teasers to the plays.
The overall mood of the space had to be lively and festive.
I was part of the team that conceptualised and executed installations for 3 plays - Natak nakko, Satellite city and Spunk and i also helped with the overall display.

Tanvi Kanakia
Exhibition Designer Ahmedabad, India