Avatar Anime

My process was to make an avatar that represents me. First I did it on Adobe because Photoshop has the timeline for anime. I used at least five art boards and made a head with stars surrounding with an effect. The head is a black girl with a puffy pony tail who doesn’t smile. The
avatar also has stars surrounding the head but the surprise is the heads eyes follow the stars. This represents me because i pay attention to everything and I always have my hair up.This project met my expectations because I didn’t think I will be able to create an anime. I thought I wouldn’t be able to create an anime since I’m not so well with computers. Next time I would think more creatively and try way harder. I also will research for some ideas before I start. I enjoyed the timeline part of an anime because I got to press play, pause, change the speed, and how long I want it to play. I chose to play it forever, and the speed is 0.02.

Tamieka Henry
Art & Design Student New York, NY