The rotund toad has his supper - Narrative illustration and storytelling
The beast frightens the small frogs - Narrative illustration and storytelling
The frogs play - Narrative illustration and storytelling
The pond is evaporating - Narrative illustration and storytelling
The fishermen came - Narrative illustration and storytelling
a chance meeting - Narrative illustration and storytelling
A supper snatched on the tamarind tree - Narrative illustration and storytelling
The crab presents his offering - Narrative illustration and storytelling
Fooling the fish, and ringing dinner bells - Narrative illustration and storytelling
Grim consequences - Narrative illustration and storytelling
The jig is up - Narrative illustration and storytelling
The dog chases away the evil Leyak - Narrative illustration and storytelling
The crow and his stolen meat - Narrative illustration and storytelling
The dove lands on the rice paddy unsuspectingly. - Narrative illustration and storytelling
The grateful ant is soaked after his rescue - Narrative illustration and storytelling
The loud and boisterous turtle - Narrative illustration and storytelling
Balinese Fable Story Book: Final Project
Taja Sukarya
Graphic Designer and Freelance Illustrator Jakarta, Indonesia