Visual Metaphor Print Campaign - A hobbyist magazine ad for Downy. School Assignment.
Visual Metaphor Print Campaign - A hobbyist magazine ad for Downy. School Assignment
Visual Metaphor Print Campaign - A hobbyist magazine ad for Downy. School Assignment
Visual Metaphor Print Campaign FSI - Downy FSI for hobbyist magazine. School Assignment
Event Advertisement Postcards - Postcard ad designed to promote "Titanic Artifact Exhibition" School Assignment
Event Advertisement Postcards - Postcard ad designed to promote "Titanic Artifact Exhibition" School Assignment
Event Advertisement Postcards - Postcard ad designed to promote "Titanic Artifact Exhibition" School Assignment
Event Advertisement Magazine Spread - Magazine spread featuring a note-worthy event-"Titanic Artifact Exhibition." School Assignment
Promoting Business Ad - Ad designed to promote business. School Assignment
Promoting Business Ad - Ad designed to promote business. School Assignment
Promoting Business Ad - Ad designed to promote business. School Assignment
Public Service Ad - Ad for a public service cause-Petra. School Assignment
Public Service Ad - Ad for a public service cause-Petra. School Assignment
Public Service Ad - Ad for a public service cause-Petra. School Assignment
Tailyn Volquez
Graphic Designer Queens, NY