
Lullaby is a system we have envisaged which will remind users to sleep on time and wake up a to beautiful experience, which is the first step to living healthy and then coping up with the information hungry world.

The project began as an attempt to address a larger issue that with advancement in technology, we are getting busier and busier instead of having a lot of free time. We are moving into a world where we are bombarded with information, and devices and software constantly needing our immediate attention. Productivity. Productivity. Productivity! We need a break. And to quote William H. Davies, we need to learn to "stand and stare", and take time to appreciate the beautiful world we are living in, which we seem to be compromising on to do all our "work".

However with investigation, we found that a lot of the problems also arises from the lifestyles we have started adopting - i.e. ungodly hours to sleep and wake up, which affects our whole day.

Sylvan Lobo
Interaction Design, IDC, IIT Bombay Mumbai, India