Site Recce: A walk around the school area while discussing which spot could be used to attract the crowd down to the canteen where the fashion show would be held.
Site Recce: We decided to use these area as the backstage as the models could use the lift and enter through the tunnel.
Site Recce: An overview of where the stage would be placed for the runway
Site Recce: The backstage area
Preparation: Cutting, Tie-Dye and Silkcreen and Sewing of the muslin to make small tokens for the crowd that comes down to our booths and fashion show.
Preparation: The almost done pouches as token of thanks to the crowd.
Preparation: The making of props for our fashion show stage.
Preparation: The making of backboards designed to add colours and decoration to our stage.
Preparation: Galaxy-feel is created as our theme was Outerspace
Preparation: The set-up of the stage for the runway.
Preparation: Us, the event coordinators!
Preparation: Having a walk-through with the models that were picked to help us out during the event.
Execution: The event coordinators gathering at the back before the show to prepare things and check on the system.
Execution: The show is about to start and here are the models lining up backstage to help us with the event!
Execution: The awaiting crowd minutes before the show.
Execution: The models are out and the show has begun!
Execution: Models are being picked to walk around the school minutes before the show to call out to the crowd that may not be aware of our runway that is about to happen.
Events Management

Temasek Polytechnic ADM Fashion Show 2014:
This is a class project where we had to create a fashion show that can be held during our school's open house for the visitors to view our designer's clothes. As a retail and visual merchandising class, we had to create the event and execute it. As part of the project, I chose to become the event coordinator, with a few others, and our main role is to ensure that the show runs smoothly.

Syazalina Lim
A hard-working team player with experience in customer service Singapore, Singapore