O l y m p i c C o m p l e x A dispersed model which combines new and existing venues in Sofia, integrates better within the existing environment, keeps the identity of the place and prompts a sustainable modernization of the urban structure.
O l y m p i c V i l l a g e Integration within the existing environment
C o m m u n i c a t i o n N e t w o r k | Z o n i n g P l a n A circular type of structure with radial links connecting the central public area with the peripheral residential part. The circular type of structure allows new extensions or new satellite elements to be added in the future.
C o n c e p t S c h e m e
C o n c e p t S c h e m e s
C o n c e p t S c h e m e s
C o n c e p t S c h e m e s
M o d e l
M o d e l
M a s t e r P l a n
M a s t e r P l a n
I n t e r n a t i o n a l Z o n e | T r a i n i n g V e n u e s
I n t e r n a t i o n a l Z o n e | T r a i n i n g V e n u e s
R e s i d e n t i a l A r e a Terraced structure which follows the curves of the terrain
R e s i d e n t i a l A r e a Each apartment is composed of a central main hall, which gathers all residents together and bedrooms for two people. The natural elements on the balconies and on the top of the residential units, the pergolas and the attractive park elements crate a pleasant living environment.
Olympic Village

U n i v e r s i t y P r o j e c t

The functional elements of the Olympic Complex are the Competition Venues, the Olympic Village, the International Media Centre and the Accommodation Zone.

The Olympic Village is located on the south slopes of Stara Planina - an area reach of natural and historical landmarks with fast and suitable connections to the Competition Venues, the centre of Sofia and the airport.

The Olympic Village is composed of a Residential Area for the athletes, the team officials and the VIP guests, an International Zone for communication among the guests and Training Venues located close to the Residential area.

The proposed structure considers the characteristics of the natural environment. Elements such as the international thematic gardens introduce symbols typical for the different countries, while the surrounded by the Olympic Village Kouril Monastery presents the national identity.

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Svilen Nenchev
Master of Architecture София, Bulgaria