ADVERTISING FOR CONSUMER - (Studio Shot and Vendor Art) I either stylized and shot in a studio, or images were provided by a vendor and then I combined it with copy and additional art. The Weight Watchers, Sugar Free and Forest Gump ads followed strict rules for copyright, content of product and color restrictions.
ADVERTISING FOR CONSUMER - (Studio Shot) I either stylized and shot in a studio, or images were provided by a vendor and then I combined it with copy and additional art. The Weight Watchers, Sugar Free and Forest Gump ads followed strict rules for copyright, content of product and color restrictions.
CATALOG AND POSTER - Images stylized and shot in a studio or on-site in a retail store for poster POP, or for catalogs. Photos have been retouched in photoshop in the case of product imperfections or product was a mockup and needed a photo for catalogs etc. prior to real production. Copy and layouts have been done in either Photoshop, Illustrator, or InDesign.
Business Card Layout used for a Chamber of Commerce organization. Also used for other collateral items.
Laurie Sutton
Visual Communications Coordinator Portland, OR