greendrinksnyc.com - greendrinks is a group that meets the second tuesday of every month to network and to discuss topics on recycling, sustainability and re-greening the environment. Greendrinks has recently relaunched their website and so we wanted to adhere to the branding standards established on the website and then carry it over to the monthly e-blast newsletter.

greendrinks.com alternate newsletter masthead

Wheres Away? online logo 3 - If we do not pay attention to the environment now, the future of the human race will be at stake... The dammage we do to the environment will eventually come back to haunt us. I am deeply concerned and passionate about the preservation of all life including that which lives in the bottom of the ocean... this is the 3rd logo in the series... Where's Away is viewed here to show a 3D plastic in the ocean that won't go away, won't disintegrate. Ocean life surrounding it will...

Wheres Away? online logo 1 - Plastics used to mass produce merchandise are great for business but harmful to the environment. Plastics is a disposable material that will be thrown away. Some can be recycled but a lot of it is waste that can last for up to 700 years or more. This banner design was created to communicate the message that when plastic is manufactured & discarded, where does the plastic go after it's use? Does it wear away? This is my 1st banner for environmentalism and sustainability.

Green Drinks NYC Plastic Ocean 2010 Holiday Party Web Announcement

Green Drinks NYC Plastic Ocean, 2010 Holiday Party e-blast announcement

Green Drinks NYC Holiday Party eblast

Green Drinks Plastic Ocean letterhead