Website Study - The scanner is one of the things that i use to do my jobs, cause i love real textures and draw by hand first. This are images scanned without an estetic care for an idea of my future website. Just to show one of my creative process. The last image is the "final" product of this study.
Website Study - The scanner is one of the things that i use to do my jobs, cause i love real textures and draw by hand first. This are images scanned without an estetic care for an idea of my future website. Just to show one of my creative process. The last image is the "final" product of this study.
Website Study - The scanner is one of the things that i use to do my jobs, cause i love real textures and draw by hand first. This are images scanned without an estetic care for an idea of my future website. Just to show one of my creative process. The last image is the "final" product of this study.
Website Study - The scanner is one of the things that i use to do my jobs, cause i love real textures and draw by hand first. This are images scanned without an estetic care for an idea of my future website. Just to show one of my creative process. The last image is the "final" product of this study.
Website Study - The scanner is one of the things that i use to do my jobs, cause i love real textures and draw by hand first. This are images scanned without an estetic care for an idea of my future website. Just to show one of my creative process. The last image is the "final" product of this study.
Website Study - The scanner is one of the things that i use to do my jobs, cause i love real textures and draw by hand first. This are images scanned without an estetic care for an idea of my future website. Just to show one of my creative process. The last image is the "final" product of this study.
Website Study - The scanner is one of the things that i use to do my jobs, cause i love real textures and draw by hand first. This are images scanned without an estetic care for an idea of my future website. Just to show one of my creative process. The last image is the "final" product of this study.
creative process
Diego Ferrer
Creative barcelona, Spain