Water Valve for Mali - Our design for a bicycle innertube valve to be used in Mali, Africa.
Assembly Guide for Valve
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Water Valve Prototype
Water Valve Prototype
Bicycle inner tube valve closed.
CAD drawing of water valve closed.
This bicycle inner tube valve was as a design project for my ME 486x Appropriate Design course.
Bicycle inner tube valve open.
Current water valve - partially broken.
Current water valve - fully broken.
Water valve concept drawing 1.
Water valve combined concept drawing 3.
Stopping Mechanism.
Water valve mounting and stopper.
Water valve rough final design.
Water Valve for Rural African Villages

My senior design project was to design and build a water valve for rural Africa, to replace their existing water valves. This valve was created because current valves are overused and frequently break. When the valves break, they frequently go long periods without being replaced, since most people are living off less than a dollar a day. A bicycle inner tube is locally available and was therefore selected to be the failure point, so villagers could easily repair the valve using readily available materials.

Parts for the water valve design needed to be very inexpensive and locally available, making this project challenging. I was the group leader that drove the team through all the stages of the design process and we came up with a simple yet effective design that I was able to test in a village in Mali, Africa.

Peter Finzell
Mechanical Design Engineer Ames, IA