Custom Fingerboard - I wanted a fingerboard, but decided I could make my own cheaper than buying one. I glued 5 2x4's together, cut out the holes, caulked and sanded the holes to make them smooth, mixed fine sand in with paint and painted it.
Custom Fingerboard - I wanted a fingerboard, but decided I could make my own cheaper than buying one. I glued 5 2x4's together, cut out the holes, caulked and sanded the holes to make them smooth, mixed fine sand in with paint and painted it.
Custom Fingerboard - I wanted a fingerboard, but decided I could make my own cheaper than buying one. I glued 5 2x4's together, cut out the holes, caulked and sanded the holes to make them smooth, mixed fine sand in with paint and painted it.
Climbing Finger Board

Climbers need tremendous grip strength especially in their fingertips to grab and hold very small rock holds. Fingerboards can strengthen and condition fingertips but buying a commercial one seemed unnecessarily expensive, so I made one at home out of many 2X4s that I glued and screwed together.

I cut out the 2x4s and glued them together. Then using a spade bit I cut out the holds. Then I mixed grip sand for porches in with regular paint to create a rough texture and painted the fingerboard.

Peter Finzell
Mechanical Design Engineer Ames, IA