Tongues - An illustration I did for my portfolio that may soon be sold to an awesome grindcore band named "Ventriloquist" as a T-shirt graphic.
WAKE UP DEAD! - Inspired from the song "Wake Up Dead" from the classic Megadeth album "Peace Sells...But Who's Buying"
Sweet Body Piercings - A graphic created for Lindsay Hearts. Will be used as a sticker and T-shirt graphic.
MJ the King (R.I.P) - I did this a couple of weeks before his tragic death and thought I'd go ahead and post it. This in remembrance of a true performer, icon and I huge part of my life (young & old). I'm definitely doing more of these to represent the many wonderful facets (i.e the Thiller look, Beat it look, Billie Jean, etc.) of this awesome individual. Rest in peace family.