The Spirit Of Brazil 01- F Stool - Im a capoeirista in KL. My instructor gaven us an assignment to do.
So, i came out with one of the stool that represent Brazil. The spirit of Brazil, is everywhere. This stool, got the flat's color. Once we see it, it reminds us - Brazil.... Hopefully it isnt out of topic. Btw, it was last Sept's work. Not using Vray/not familiar with Vray renderer...
Just an idea:)
P/S : F stool- flower stool. FLower is everywhere, & most of ppl like flower. So, hope u guys love Brazil too:)
The Spirit Of Brazil 01- F Stool - Im a capoeirista in KL. My instructor gaven us an assignment to do.
So, i came out with one of the stool that represent Brazil. The spirit of Brazil, is everywhere. This stool, got the flat's color. Once we see it, it reminds us - Brazil.... Hopefully it isnt out of topic. Btw, it was last Sept's work. Not using Vray/not familiar with Vray renderer...
Just an idea:)
P/S : F stool- flower stool. FLower is everywhere, & most of ppl like flower. So, hope u guys love Brazil too:)