Poster Design, Art direction, Copy writing - Created exam room poster (in template) with tear-off info, to encourage patients to let their general physician examine their feet each and every time they are at the doctor's office. Commissioned illustrations, wrote heads/subheads.
Poster Design, Art Direction, Copy Writing - Created poster (in template) to encourage patients with diabetes to get their annual eye exam. Commissioned illustrations, wrote headlines.
Low Literacy Tear Sheet - Converted paragraphs of text into easy to read copy, with easily understood illustrations, for patients with a low literacy level. Commissioned illustrations, art directed photo shoot. Used existing tearsheet template design.
Photoshoot Art Direction - Collaborated with in-house Creative Director to augment existing patient education artbank. Shoot consisted of over 60 talent selects, 4-day location shoot in New York City, 4-day studio shoot in Los Angeles using 5 different sets, and a total budget of more than $500K. Successful shoot resulted in over 200 photo selects depicting a specific patient type with regards to body type, age, and ethnicities, for educating patients with diabetes. Shots are also used on
Healthy Meals Menu - First in a series of 3 menus to help patients plan a week of meals, with corresponding shopping list. "Semi-branded", using brand colors from 2 products that treat patients with diabetes.
Patient Education Wheel - 2-sided slide wheel created encourage patients to "know their numbers". Took existing wheel and totally rebranded it using template system.
Patient Education
Sue Wilks
Sr. Graphic Designer Lansdale, PA