t.i.p.Secret : SAN FRANCISCO GUIDE - On 10.10.2015, SUBJECT-OBJECT became a real business, and as part of that, launched a line of editions called "t.i.p.Secret," focusing on informational and anecdotal content. The first "unofficial" book from Liquid, Inc. Press (SUBJECT-OBJECT's publishing arm), is a guide to San Francisco, centered around idiosyncratic recommendations for places to eat, see, shop, and live. The information is rooted in a very basic list that I E-mail to friends and visitors. For now, the book is available as a free download, but a few printed copies are selling in a couple of stores in the city. While the book remains pretty straight forward and true to the E-mail list, it has been expanded with a few maps and details for context. Other editions for places I've lived and visited, as well as limited prints will follow. Visit tip-secret.com for further news, information, and updates. Get in touch with any questions or queries about their availability. Thanks!