PROJECT #13 is the repurposing of a 30-year-old HDB flat, where more than 80% of Singapore’s population resides, with the intent to sustain the once single-use residential unit over the course of the building’s life. (Photo: Finbarr Fallon)
The introduction of a Foyer resulted in a dual-key ‘buffer zone’ between the public and private domains, giving a new lease of life to a formerly undesirable unit along a public corridor. (Photo: Finbarr Fallon)
In the Foyer, louvered windows allow its occupants to vary the degrees of transparencies and thus levels of privacy with the public space outside. (Photo: Finbarr Fallon)
The Foyer enables 2 separate entry points allowing 2 spaces, an office and a home, to operate independently. (Photo: Finbarr Fallon)
One half of a formerly single-use residential unit was transformed into an office. (Photo: Finbarr Fallon)
The other half of the formerly single-use residential unit remains as a home which supports the functions of the office in the day. (Photo: Khoo GJ)
The project re-examines the conventional typology of space for Living; It is now a place of habitation as well as a place of work. (Photo: Khoo GJ)
The need to accommodate the requirements of the office and home led to space-saving strategies of compacting functions at strategic locations; A multi-use platform nest on the ‘roof’ a storage unit. (Photo: Khoo GJ)
The Living is a break-out zone for the office in the day. (Photo: Khoo GJ)
The elevated platform is a tea room for the office in the day and a resting space for the home at night. (Photo: Finbarr Fallon)
The storage unit is a servery for the Dining with a multi-use platform above it. (Photo: Khoo GJ)
Within both office and home are attached baths that ensure both spaces are self-sufficient and thus independent of each other. (Photo: Khoo GJ)
Project #13

PROJECT #13 is a renovation to a 30-year old HDB FLAT in Singapore. It addresses the brief to house 2 PROGRAMMES (HOME and OFFICE) within a limiting foot-print and achieves a ‘framework’ to enable its FUTURE-PROOFING. The result is a new flat that allows EASY RE/ADAPTATION for a VARIETY OF USES (office and home) and USE PATTERNS (one or more households) within a formerly single-use residential unit. While small in scale, it is an example for the RE-PURPOSING of a HDB flat where more than 80% of Singapore’s population resides, sustaining it over the course of the building’s life.

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Studio Wills +...
ARCHITECT Singapore, Singapore