WiseCracker Crab Cracking Tool - Rather than cracking down on the problem of cracking crab, our design team decided to bust out with a shellfish splitter that cleanly gets the job done. The WiseCracker features a stainless steel shell splitter that works on a reverse-scissor motion, popping open the crab from the inside. I did some work early in this project- mainly prototyping and design direction- but I was not the driving force behind it. The full honors go to my colleague, Jason O. Germany, who made it what it is.
crack! - Crack the difficult portions of the shell with the leg cracker feature.
split! - Squeeze the handles to split the crab shell.....
open! - ... and with a flick of the wrist the crab meat is exposed.
I.D, Magazine cover - This is the cover from the I.D. Magazine 51st Annual Design Review in which the WiseCracker received "Best in Category".
I.D. Magazine - This is the page from the I.D. Magazine 51st Design Annual in which the WiseCracker received "Best in Category".
Joshua Stewart
x---xtremely xtreme--x Seattle, WA