Ages Indian Spice Co. - Ages Indian Spice Co. is inspired by the history of spices in Indian culture and the importance spices played in the emergence of modern civilizations. It's logo is inspired by the Masala Dabba, a traditional Indian spice box. The type is a combination of a sand script and modern font to bridge the gap when spices were used as necessity in the past to their use for flavor in the present.
Ages Indian Spice Co. Business Identity
Ages Indian Spice Co. Magazine Ad
Ages Indian Spice Co. Spice Tins
Ages Indian Spice Co. Spice Tin closeup
Ages Indian Spice Co. Oil and Vinegar Bottles
Ages Indian Spice Co. Oil and Vinegar Bottles
Ages Indian Spice Co. Close up
Ages Indian Spice CO.
Steve Neuberger
Graphic Design New York, NY