The Art of Coughing, by Josip Novakovich (2011, Dzanc Books)
Men Undressed - Men Undressed: Women Writers on the Male Sexual Experience (2011, OV Books)
Monkeybicycle8 (2011, literary journal)
The Iguana Complex - The Iguana Complex, by Darby Larson (2011, Mud Luscious Press)
An Island of Fifty - An Island of Fifty, by Ben Brooks (2010, Mud Luscious Press)
In the Carnival of Breathing - In the Carnival of Breathing, by Lisa Fay Coutley (2011, Black Lawrence Press)
My Dear Girl - My Dear Girl: The Art of Florence Hosmer, by Helen Marie Casey (2011, Black Lawrence Press)
Unending Rooms - Unending Rooms, by Daniel Chacón (2008, Black Lawrence Press)
From the Darkness Right Under Our Feet - From the Darkness Right Under Our Feet, by Patrick Michael Finn (2010, Black Lawrence Press)
Losing Camille - Losing Camille, by Paul Kilgore (2010, Black Lawrence Press)
Every Bitter Thing - Every Bitter Thing, by Hardy Jones (2010, Black Lawrence Press)
Bob, or Man on Boat - Bob, or Man on Boat, by Peter Markus (2008, Dzanc Books)
Kamby Bolongo Mean River - Kamby Bolongo Mean River, by Robert Lopez (2009, Dzanc Books) This sparse meta-novel is the story of an institutionalized man who is plagued by a ringing telephone that can receive calls, but not make them. His story is told in memories of his family and a television show about a river.
The Devil's Moor - The Devil's Moor, by Stefan Kiesbye (2011, Dzanc Books)
American Mastodon - American Mastodon, by Brad Ricca (2011, Black Lawrence Press)
The Taste of Penny - The Taste of Penny, by Jeff Parker (2010, Dzanc Books) The title story in this collection includes a D.I.Y. moving company that posts flyers over those of their competitors, which is why I chose this image for the cover.
Writing From the Inside - Writing From the Inside, Edited by Laura van den Berg (2009, Dzanc Books) This is an anthology of writing by inmates in the Boston area prison system. It is the result of literary community service proposed by Laura van den Berg, which won her the 2007 Dzanc Prize.
Visiting Hours - Visiting Hours, edited by Daniel E Wickett (2008, Press 53)
Wednesdays at 3:00 - Wednesdays at 3:00, edited by Diane Goettel (2009, Dzanc Books Writer-In-Residence Program) This is an anthology of collected stories from high school students in Brooklyn, NY.
Things That Pass For Love - Things That Pass For Love, by Allison Amend (2008, Other Voices Books)
How They Were Found - How They Were Found, by Matt Bell (2010, Keyhole Press)
Saint Monica - Saint Monica, by Mary Biddinger (2011, Black Lawrence Press)
Blip! - Blip! Finding the Write Moment, Edited by Diane Goettel (2009, Dzanc Books Writer in Residence Program)
Misfits and Other Heroes - Misfits and Other Heroes, by Suzanne Burns (2009, Dzanc Books)
Sagittarius Agitprop - Sagittarius Agitprop, by Matthew Gavin Frank (2009, Black Lawrence Press)
Into the Blue Reach - Into the Blue Reach: Selected Poems and Prose by Rainer Maria Rilke, translated by Ingrid Amalia Herbert and Alison Kolodinsky (2010, Black Lawrence Press)
Nothing in the World - Nothing in the World, by Roy Kesey (2007, Dzanc Books) One of the more significant elements of this book is an anemone shell that is passed between characters. This cover is the underside of one of these shells.
The Narcoleptic Yard - The Narcoleptic Yard, by Charity Ketz (2009, Black Lawrence Press)
A Cold Wind From Idaho - A Cold Wind From Idaho, by Lawrence Matsuda (2010, Black Lawrence Press)
The Butterfly Collector - The Butterfly Collector, by Fred McGavran (2009, Black Lawrence Press)
The Possible is Monstrous - The Possible is Monstrous: Selected Poems by Friedrich Durrenmatt, translated by Daniele Pantano (2010, Black Lawrence Press)
Further Adventures in the Restless Universe - Further Adventures in the Restless Universe, by Dawn Raffel (2010, Dzanc Books) The cover illustration was done by the author's son. This book was selected as one of The Huffington Post's "21 Coolest Book Covers of 2010."
What the World Will Look Like When All the Water Leaves Us - What the World Will Look Like When All the Water Leaves Us, by Laura van den Berg (2009, Dzanc Books)
{C.} An MLP Stamp Stories Anthology - This book is a collection of very short stories, printed on stamp-sized vellum, sent out to various small presses. The cover is a photograph of all the stamps (it wraps around to the back) and the title in its own stamp-shaped box.
Monkeybicycle6 - Monkeybicycle7 Monkeybicycle6 This is the cover for a literary journal that I edit and design. It's a collection of a very wide range of writing styles and subjects, so I like to keep each issue's cover abstract and interesting. More info on Monkeybicycle at
Monkeybicycle7 - Monkeybicycle7 This is the cover for a literary journal that I edit and design. It's a collection of a very wide range of writing styles and subjects, so I like to keep each issue's cover abstract and interesting. More info on Monkeybicycle at
Book Covers
Steven Seighman
Graphic Designer Montclair, NJ