Nikon D3100 18-55mm kit lens F29 ISO 1800 +0.3 exp 1/250 sec. I liked the corner of the field and the fence line. i had the sun to my left, and it was really bright. i wanted to capture as much in the distance a possible so i had a big F stop of f.29 but to compensate for this i need a high ISO. i chose a higher ISO as i didn't want to use tripod so i need a fast shutter speed.
Nikon D3100 18-55mm kit lens, f7.1 1/100 sec ISO 200 +0.3 exp i walked to the edge of the field and knelt down. I crouched down behind the barnyard grass to capture this. at the original f10 i found it to dark as i was now shaded by the hedge row so i lowered my F stop to f7.1 to allow a little more light.
Nikon D3100 18-55mm kit lens f7.1 1/100 sec ISO 400 as the sun was coming up i walked to the bottom of the field and turned to look back at the spinney. the sun was just creeping out from the corner so i stood and at 30mm focal length and because i was still in the shadows i kept the same settings.
Nikon D3100 18-55mm Kit lens F10, 1/100 sec, ISO 200 +0.3 exp. this was also at 0900h but this time the sun was behind me. i wanted to capture to fog lifting,this was taken on a tripod to steady the camera as it was a bit breezy. (n i was exhausted walking up the hill)
Nikon D3100 18-55mm kit lens, F22, ISO 400 1/100 sec, i wanted the sun to be on the left of the spinney, so i walked a little further to capture this. because i was now shooting into direct sun light i needed a bigger F stop, this image came out very orange with the glow of the sun, a friend from collage suggested converting to BnW in Ps.
Nikon D3100 18-55mm Kit lens, focal length 22mm F25 1/250 sec, ISO 400. Exp -3 it was a cold frosty morning. I had been out all morning taking landscapes. It was around 10:00h and i was on my way back, this was on root as i had to walk up to the spinney at the sunrise. I kneeled down, knowing that i was going to shoot into the sun i chose F25 to prevent to much bright light, the fog was lifting so it gave a nice haze on the horizon. The lens flair is because i didn't use a filter and looking directly at the sun, but i thought it added a nice touch as well as a leading line. The original shot had the sun above the spinney but with the fence and the footpath leading to it it was to bright and you couldn't see the spinney, so i moved a little to the left and found that it was perfect.
Nikon D3100 18-55mm Kit lens focal length 24mm ISO 1600 1/250 sec F11. this was taken at around 0900h in Market Harborough, on a foggy morning, the sky was clear, i chose F11 because i wanted to keep the detail in the horizon, and also to help wight the bright sun. i had waited for the only cloud in sky to pass by the sun to also aid my shot and to help prevent any lens flair. again i had no filter as i don't like to use them.
Nikon D3100 18-55mm kit lens f.22 1/5 sec ISO 400 +0.3 exp this was taken outside of sea life in Scarborough, i went down the stoney beach. set my tripod up at the edge of the water, i chose F.22 to capture scarborough castle in the distance. a slow shutter to give the water a little motion blur. this image was inspired by Ansel Adams.
Nikon D3100 Sigma DG 70-300mm focal length 300mm f.11 1/160sec ISO 400 +0.3 exp, this was taken at Scarborough beach. and the actual shot was taken from one end of the walk across the bay. it was a real over cast day. dull and wet. I was actually out looking for a mating pair of buzzards on the cliff face so i only had my zoom lens on me. i looked over the harbour. i chose F.11 to capture the dramatic sky. the clouds were moving fast with the wind so i couldn't have a slow shutter without causing motion blur.
Nikon D7100 Sigma EX 24-70mm ISO 200, F8 1/200 sec 24mm focal length. this is again Sterling Campus, from the other end of the lake on the foot bridge over the lake. i had wanted to capture the mountain in the distance and try to use this as a vanishing point with the clouds.
Nikon D7100 Sigma EX 24-70mm f2.8 f9. ISO 200 1/200s sec. this is Sterling university campus. we had taken a day out to the Wallace monument and the campus, walking round the lake i had kneeled down, hand held and took this shot, i chose F9 as i wanted to get the background in and to capture the vanishing point between the lake and the sky.
Nikon D7100 Sigma EX f2.8 F22. 1/80 sec ISO 200, chose a big Fstop because i wanted to capture the sky and clouds. but because of this i had to wait till lunch time for the sun to be over head, so about 13:30h it was perfect, it was just behind my camera, enough light was on the building and tree line, so i could capture both land and sky. with out any problems This is a little church, near Wistow. i pass hear a few times a week and i have wanted to photograph this place for along time. .I had walked out in to the field, and the river bank was deep, so to capture the water i had to go down the embankment a few steps to get the river in my shot. i set my tripod up and took a few shots but i felt it needed something more, i waited and waited and then along came the sheep and her 2 lambs..
Final 12 (16) City & Guilds Level 2 image capture (Photography)

These are my Final 12 (isn) Landscapes for my Level 2 City & Guilds Photography..

Steve Green
Photographer Leicester, United Kingdom