Untitled (Couples: Self and Wife), Fine Art Photograph, Steve Giovinco
Untitled (Couples: Self and Wife), Fine Art Photograph, Steve Giovinco
Untitled (Couples: Self and Wife), Fine Art Photograph, Steve Giovinco
Untitled (Couples: Self and Wife), Fine Art Photograph, Steve Giovinco
Untitled (Couples: Self and Wife), Fine Art Photograph, Steve Giovinco
Untitled (Couples: Self and Wife), Fine Art Photograph, Steve Giovincoe
Untitled (Couples: Self and Wife), Fine Art Photograph, Steve Giovinco
Untitled (Couples: Self and Wife), Fine Art Photograph, Steve Giovinco
Untitled (Couples: Self and Wife), Fine Art Photograph, Steve Giovinco
Untitled (Couples: Wife), Fine Art Photograph, Steve Giovinco
Untitled (Couples: Self and Wife), Fine Art Photograph, Steve Giovinco
Untitled (Couples: Self and Wife), Fine Art Photograph, Steve Giovinco
Untitled (Couples: Self and Wife), Fine Art Photograph, Steve Giovinco
Untitled (Couples: Self and Wife), Fine Art Photograph, Steve Giovinco
Untitled (Couples: Self and Wife), Fine Art Photograph, Steve Giovinco
Untitled (Couples: Self and Wife), Fine Art Photograph, Steve Giovinco
Untitled (Couples: Self and Wife), Fine Art Photograph, Steve Giovinco
Untitled (Couples: Self and Wife), Fine Art Photograph, Steve Giovinco
Untitled (Couples: Wife), Fine Art Photograph, Steve Giovinco
Untitled (Couples: Self and Wife), Fine Art Photograph, Steve Giovinco
Untitled (Couples: Self and Wife), Fine Art Photograph, Steve Giovinco
Untitled (Couples: Self and Wife), Fine Art Photograph, Steve Giovinco
Untitled (Couples: Self and Wife), Fine Art Photograph, Steve Giovinco
Untitled (Couples: Self and Wife), Fine Art Photograph, Steve Giovinco
Untitled (Couples: Self and Wife), Fine Art Photograph, Steve Giovinco
Untitled (Couples: Self and Wife), Fine Art Photograph, Steve Giovinco
Art Photography On the Edge of Somewhere

Artist Statement

I photograph intimate and emotionally charged private moments of people. The images are taken from daily life; the subjects are myself and my wife. The focus is on women, men or couples eating, feeling bored, listless, being sexual, etc,—living—capturing intimate psychological and emotional feelings. They are unguarded but poetic and unflinching instants, taken intuitively and spontaneously.

Rarely are the images composed using the camera’s

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Steve Giovinco
Fine Art Photographer New York, NY