Various Applications - This layout shows my ability to Render in 3-D, Illustration, Typography, Graphic Design, Illustrator 10, Photoshop 7, and Solid Works.
Desktop Space Saver - This is a 3-D Rendering of a Desktop Space Saver/Picture Frame. A 3-D model was created using Solid Works.
Water Spraygun - Ergonomically designed for all users. Designed for the gardening product line. Made from brass and composites.
Adjustable Side Table - This design allows an individual to adjust the height of the table to thier desire. The two compartments swivel. Ton's of storage space. The top wooden cover acts as a work surface. Everything on this table is adjustable.
Cafe Chair - This is a stackable cafe chair. Tappered steel legs (chromed), wood seat, and backrest. Available in several colours.
Steam Chair 2003