Sand Man - Volleyball poster I made a little while back. Adobe Illustrator CS2 and Photoshop CS2
Neon Punk - A fan art music poster for Daft Punk. The symbols and name rights belong to Daft Punk. Completely drawn from floor up by myself. Adobe Illustrator CS3
Koi Parchment - Fan art for the band Incubus. The koi symbol and name are owned by Incubus. Completely drawn from floor up by myself. Adobe Illustrator CS3 and Photoshop CS3
Songs from a City in Motion - Fan art based off of album art from Motion City Soundtrack. The name rights belong to Motion City Soundtrack. Adobe Photoshop CS3
Great Equalizer - A fun music poster I made in '08. Has over 100,000 downloads on Adobe Illustrator CS3

Assorted posters of fan art and original work

Stephen Diebold
Industrial Designer San Francisco, CA