Old McDonald had a farm, 2016 I was just driving along the road with my camera in the car on my way to Blairstown when I came around the corner and saw this old abandoned farm house. I had never seen it before and I doubt that I could find it again. It was starting to snow and i though that the house looked cool moldering away with the snow and the broken antenna on the roof. I'm tying to capture a essence of abandoment. The house was right along the road and all the windows are boarded up. So wether it was foreclose or not it was just left there for whatever reason.
Summer Camp, 2016 Heading along the Old Mine Road into the Delaware Water Gap Recreation Area one will come across many old building just rotting away in the woods. After I got home from taking this picture I did a little bit of research and fond out that this place used to be a summer camp. This conveys the theme of decay. Since the 60's it has just been left in the woods to rot away.
Ruined, 2016
Car lot, 2016
No Trespassing, 2016
Concentration-Rural Decay

My concentration is focused on abandonment and decay. I’m going to proceed through the woods with my camera looking for things like old houses and old abandoned cars left in the woods. It means a lot to me as I have always loved history and liked old houses, and just shows how nobody really cares about these historic buildings and that they have been abandoned just left to rot and nobody cares. The common theme is the decay of these old historic building that nobody is bothering to preserve for whatever reason that they are just letting fall apart and decay. Sussex county has the highest rate of foreclosure in New Jersey. There are a lot of abandoned buildings here. So I though I would use theme to show that once these building are left to rot that nobody cares about them anymore and that they aren't being maintained anymore.

Stephen Campana
Photography Student Sparta Township, NJ