I created a series of tutorials on YouTube about how to sketch shoes. These are the outcome of those tutorials. You can find the series here: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0DEAF3AC0B2D8141&feature=plcp
Sampling or use of these sketches in any way is only possible with written and signed consent by Stephanie Hensley.
Sampling or use of these sketches in any way is only possible with written and signed consent by Stephanie Hensley.
Sampling or use of these sketches in any way is only possible with written and signed consent by Stephanie Hensley.
Sampling or use of these sketches in any way is only possible with written and signed consent by Stephanie Hensley.
Cordwainers Sketches

Development work while at Cordwainers, the best school for footwear in the world.

Stephanie Hensley
Women's Footwear Design Director / Sr. Shoe Designer New York, NY