Aspire - This is an exhibit for a company that i created. It is 20 x 30 x 16 feet high. This (pretend) company creates environments for interior design, retail design, environmental design and exhibit design.
Carlson Airflo - This is a company that manufactures cooling racks for retail stores. They needed to decrease their shipping expenses. Originally they were shipping eight 8 foot long coolers from grocery store settings to each show. A requirement of one cooler was used. I also created a mock cooler to show how the racks can work for different products. The funnel in the center represents the flow of air that circulates through a cooler. Size is 30 x 40.
Office - An office that I designed for myself.
Truck Stop - This is a redesign of the truck stop I worked at throughout college. The flow of traffic had to be moved out of the way of the counter. Currently the flow walks in front of the counter to enter the restaurant that is attached. I moved the door to the restaurant to the side of the building and moved the counter to where the restaurant door is. I also added seating for truck stop customers after the restaurant closes at night.
10' Backwall Display
10' Space - This space consists of 3 retractable banners that link together, two end banners, and a header. This kit includes the compact table also.
Museum Kiosk - Spanish American kiosk demonstrating the two locations it was fought in.
Pop Up Display