Team Hashtag autonomous robots for Robockey
Team hashtag during Robockey match.
Robots development prototypes.
Autonomous robots for Robockey

This acrylic robot duo can play hockey autonomously. To guide the robot 4 Infrared lights were fixed on top of the rink to help the localization computing, while a puck with 9 IR lights is used to make the robots move.
The wireless robot uses MRF chip and an M2 microntroller with an AtMega32U4 Microprocessor for all the computing processes. A mwii camera it detects the infrared lights and calculates its position in the rink while IR sensors it guides it´s way through the rink towards the puck. Once it has the puck it will move straight to the goal.

In the project developed I was responsible for the mechanical design and contributed in the design and building of the electric circuitry.

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