Tiagram - My true passion lies with designing for t-shirts.
The Uncanny - My true passion lies with designing for t-shirts. This one is designed with the intention of embroidery on the back floral flourishes.
Grandpa's Story - There are so many possibilities with specialty inks, embroidery, even in the color of the t-shirt canvas itself that helps create funky designs.
Cow Skull - There are so many possibilities with specialty inks, embroidery, even in the color of the t-shirt canvas itself that helps create funky designs.
Skull & Lilies
Kona Sparrows
Stash Stache
Cowgirl & Indian Princess - Intended reverse (inside out) print on back sun. 6 color concept.
Thumb War - 3 color shirt design sold at shirt.woot.com
1 2 3 Cycle - 3 color t-shirt design concept made with cycles of fury!
T-Shirt Designs
Stef McFeters
Stef McFeters Seattle, WA