Great white shark - Design for national evening broadcast news service

Old growth forests - Design for national evening broadcast news service

Swimming - Design for national evening broadcast news service

Air Traffic control - Design for national evening broadcast news service

Artificial heart

MagLev train japan

SAG awards

North Korea Nuclear capability

Vietnamese artifacts

Live animal export

Revolver gun lock - Graphic for national broadcast news service

oil pipes - Graphic for national broadcast news service

City to Surf 14km run Sydney - Graphic for national broadcast news service

Child Soldier Uganda - Graphic for national broadcast news service

Camp Delta prisoner Guantanamo Bay - Graphic for national broadcast news service

IAAF Athletics still

IAAF Athletics title sequence - Created in AE. Background images were masked by hand to focus on the main athlete. Footage was multiplied three times & slightly offset. Colour tinting done in AE. Other elements created in PS & AI.

Nest title sequence - Title sequence for a tv series on people's quirky, colourful and individual living spaces. Included in the Powerhouse Museum's [Sydney] permanent collection: 'Inspired. Design Across Time.'

nest endframe & logo resolve

IAAF chanpionships 2007 promo & ad campaign - TV broadcast titles & advertising campaign reel animation.


Fashionista storyboard - Title sequence for Australian fashion series. Created in AI & AE.

Fashionista title endframe - Titles designed & produced within 1 day from brief to broadcast.

Modern Masters promo [series of 5] - Broadcast promo for series of 5 films. Blue & red design used to link the styles of 5 filmmakers with very different styles. Editing, tinting, text & effects done in AE.

The Closet tales promo - 4 part doco showcasing 4 of Australia's best fashion designers. Digi-beta footage, edited in FCP, colour enhanced and effects/text added in AE.

Inside Film Awards blue & pink versions 2004 - Title sequence for tv broadcast of film awards, also used for in-room presentation on the night. Blue/green and pink /orange versions produced.

Inside Film IF awards title sequence 2004 - Title sequence for tv broadcast of film awards, also used for in-room presentation on the night. Elements generated in AE with animated, hand drawn imagery of previous award presenters & recipients. Pink & orange version made & used, alternately with this blue, green version.

Inside film IF awards title sequence endframe 2005 - Footage of the award was shot in 1m of water, with seaweed & fish at a local marine park. Hand drawn organic patterns, text and shapes were added in AE. Coloured using AE. Font is digital Sans, the IF font.

Walkley awards set panels - 3m wide panels used on set for Walkley Awards - annual presentation honouring film & tv journalism and photography.

walkley awards title sequence - Created in AE using handdrawn and video elements.

Cancer cells

South Korea riot police - Broadcast news graphic

Serie A football

Ukraine miners

Sunday Showcase - Broadcast promotion for series of 6 internationally acclaimed foreign & Australian films

World News Australia - Re brand of WNA. Programme titles, bumpers, in-programme information graphics, production manual & email promotion

Perth International Track Cycling 2009 storyboards

Perth International Track Cycling 2009 storyboards

Perth International Track Cycling 2009 storyboards

Perth International Track Cycling 2009 storyboards

Perth International Track Cycling 2009 storyboards

Perth International Track Cycling 2009 storyboards
