The Bride Stripped Bare By Her Bachelors (Even) - I collaborated in the development and performed as "The Bride" in Guillermo Silveira's operatic performance art piece. With a reverent and playful attitude, we staged this difficult, disturbing, and inspiring work-on-glass by Marcel Duchamp as an operatic performance with a strong choreographic component. DC Arts Center, 4/96 National Theatre, 5/96
Purity - Purity: A (romantic) post-structuralist performance, one girl’s view of music history, from Gregorian to hip hop. I was writer, producer, and performer. The above is a chapbook given out at performances. Baltimore ARTSCAPE ‘95, 7/95 D.C. Arts Center, 8-9/95
The Life and Death of Mr. N - The Life and Death of Mr. N, a 15 minute radio opera in 5 parts with Friends of Mr. N. I was producer and performer. Broadcast on Radio NEW in Essen, Germany, 7/91
A Walk in the Wood - Chapbook - This artist's book folds up into an accordion shape and represents a little walk in a little wood.
I am an artist
Stacy Surla
Manager/User Experience Lead/Senior Information Architect Washington, DC