This was the base design of the online shop. Each month I would change the highlighted/featured front page graphics - so this is what it looked like before those seasonal/monthly graphics were added.
This was the original Spring featured items graphic I created for the front page of the shop (in PhotoShop). I would then slice the image up in ImageReady and then plug the code into the CMS's HTML editor.
After playing around with the featured items graphic and adding the right hand side bar (the Subscriber Sign Up box, Coupon Code Entry box and a "what's new" featured item), this a screenshot of the (top half) of the finished product.
Early layout concept I created using my own photography (the grass is cut out and laid on top of the cloudy sky photo). I ended up going with the simpler, more whimsical design shown first in this folder.
Web Design - BlueSkyRocket

I created the web design - layout and graphics - for my (now closed) online shop, BlueSkyRocket. This is a screenshot of the front page of the site from Spring of 2009.

Stacey Conway
Web Content Design/Developer Rowlett, TX