Online ad I created for my (now closed) online shop. Nickelodeon owned had approached me to provide a coupon to their readers along with a graphic for their shopping page.
Online ad I created for my (now closed) online shop. (photoshop)
Online ad created for my (now closed) online shop.
Small banner ad for my (now closed) online shop. (Photoshop)
Online ad I created for my (now closed) online shop. (photoshop)
the stock photograph of a squirrel that I cut out in photoshop and altered and used in many of my ads/marketing material
editing the stock photo of the squirrel in photoshop
Graphic Design - Online Ads BlueSkyRocket

Various online ads I created for my (now closed) online shop. (using Photoshop)

Stacey Conway
Web Content Design/Developer Rowlett, TX