Created large graphic in Photoshop and sliced into image map in Image Ready, created HTML email and sent out using Vertical Response
created large graphic in Photoshop and sliced into image map in ImageReady and HTML - sent using Vertical Response (email service)
created graphic used in email to subscribers using Photoshop and ImageReady (created in Photoshop and sliced up into image map in ImageReady then used HTML to code email and sent via Vertical Resonse's email database service)
I created this graphic in Photoshop and sent it out via Vertical Response's email service
Created graphic in Photoshop - used this as header on all emails to subscribers
I created this graphic for my subscriber sign up page on my internet retail shop. (photoshop using stock photo (marmot)
Graphic Design - Newsletter/Email Campaigns

Graphics I created for my shop's email 'blasts' to subscribers. Created in Photoshop and/or ImageReady

Stacey Conway
Web Content Design/Developer Rowlett, TX