Featured products graphic for online shop - using existing individual product photos, stock photo (squirrel) and my own photography (shrub) in photoshop. (Sliced up in to create image map in Adobe ImageReady and then plugged HTML code into the shop's CMS HTML editor)
Featured products graphic for online shop - using existing individual product photos as well as stock photo (squirrel) and my own photography (shrub) - created in Photoshop, sliced up into image map in ImageReady and plugged HTML code into the shop's CMS HTML editor
Featured product graphic - using existing product photo in Photoshop
Featured product graphic I created in Photoshop using existing product photo
Featured item graphic for online shop - created graphic using existing product photo in photoshop
Featured product category graphic I created in Photoshop using existing product photos
Featured product category graphic for online shop - using existing product photo in Photoshop
Featured product photo I created in photoshop - I photographed the T-Shirt as well
Featured product category graphic I created in photoshop using stock photograph laid on top of existing product photo
Featured product graphics for online shop - I photographed this necklace and created graphic in photoshop
Featured product graphic I created in Photoshop using existing product photos
Featured product graphic for online store - using existing individual product photos in PhotoShop
Graphic Design - Featured Product Graphics

Various featured product graphics I created in Photoshop for online stores

Stacey Conway
Web Content Design/Developer Rowlett, TX