Illustration of Sobaipuri Villagage for Book Cover
Idealized 1000 year old Hohokam Village Scene for Outdoor Wayside Exhibits
Detail of Hohokam Scene
Detail of Hohokam Village Scene
Detail of Hohokam Village Sceve
Aerial view of Puerco Pueblo as it looked in the 1300s, for outdoor wayside exhibit at Petrified Forest National Park
View of Puerco Pueblo's plaza as it may have looked in the 1300s, for outdoor wayside exhibit at Petrified Forest National Park
Tryptich depicting Gallo Campground through the various time periods, created for outdoor wayside exhibits at Chaco Culture National Historical Park.
Rendering of projectile points and pencil art of the flint knapping technique used by Native Americans
Archaeological Illustration

Archaeological Illustration and Site Reconstructions for exhibits, educational materials and books.

Scott Seibel
Artist/Illustrator Tempe, AZ