Reds Studio 001 - Flash Website for a local photographer. I wanted to simplify his site so that the primary focus was on the photos.
Reds Studio 002 - Flash Website for a local photographer. I wanted to simplify his site so that the primary focus was on the photos.
Reds Studio 003 - Flash Website for a local photographer. I wanted to simplify his site so that the primary focus was on the photos.
Reds Studio 004 - Flash Website for a local photographer. I wanted to simplify his site so that the primary focus was on the photos.
Reds Studio 005 - Flash Website for a local photographer. I wanted to simplify his site so that the primary focus was on the photos.
Reds Studio 006 - Flash Website for a local photographer. I wanted to simplify his site so that the primary focus was on the photos.
Reds Studio 007 - Flash Website for a local photographer. I wanted to simplify his site so that the primary focus was on the photos.
BMW - Car Comparison - Car Comparison Module. Using "drag and drop" and slid out menus to build a car comparison table. Module was to be created using an AJAX solution.
BMW - Car Suggestion - Car Suggestion Module. With the use of sliders a list of suggested models is created based upon the desired values. Selecting a car from the list displays the car specifications on the right side of the screen. Module was to be created using an AJAX solution.
Pantai Concept - Homepage - Concept designs for Re-Brand of Pantai Group hospital website.
Pantai Concept - Diagnosis - Concept designs for Re-Brand of Pantai Group hospital website.
Can of Worms (blog) - Tried out a CSS design for my blog. Here's the initial concpet in Photoshop.
Charles Tham Design 1 - Designs for the Charles Tham Design website. Website interface primarily used for large purchases.. ie furntiure retailers etc. All offline processes were converted to online therefore a lot of online forms etc and processing updates etc.
Charles Tham Design 3 - Designs for the Charles Tham Design website. Website interface primarily used for large purchases.. ie furntiure retailers etc. All offline processes were converted to online therefore a lot of online forms etc and processing updates etc.
Charles Tham Design 2 - Designs for the Charles Tham Design website. Website interface primarily used for large purchases.. ie furntiure retailers etc. All offline processes were converted to online therefore a lot of online forms etc and processing updates etc.
Charles Tham Design 4 - Designs for the Charles Tham Design website. Website interface primarily used for large purchases.. ie furntiure retailers etc. All offline processes were converted to online therefore a lot of online forms etc and processing updates etc.
Chevrolet Concept - Design mock-up for Chevrolet.
ICLIF - Web 01 - Consisted of 1 website for the public, 1 website for students, 1 website for Alumni Members and 1 Intranet for staff.
ICLIF - Web 02 - Consisted of 1 website for the public, 1 website for students, 1 website for Alumni Members and 1 Intranet for staff.
ICLIF - Class 01 - Consisted of 1 website for the public, 1 website for students, 1 website for Alumni Members and 1 Intranet for staff.
ICLIF - Class 02 - Consisted of 1 website for the public, 1 website for students, 1 website for Alumni Members and 1 Intranet for staff.
ICLIF - Alumni 01 - Consisted of 1 website for the public, 1 website for students, 1 website for Alumni Members and 1 Intranet for staff.
ICLIF - Alumni 02 - Consisted of 1 website for the public, 1 website for students, 1 website for Alumni Members and 1 Intranet for staff.
ICLIF - Intranet 01 - Consisted of 1 website for the public, 1 website for students, 1 website for Alumni Members and 1 Intranet for staff.
ICLIF - Intranet 02 - Consisted of 1 website for the public, 1 website for students, 1 website for Alumni Members and 1 Intranet for staff.
VHQ - Homepage - VHQ Redesign. Simple concept with speed and ease of use the key factors for the design.
VHQ - Post - VHQ Redesign. Simple concept with speed and ease of use the key factors for the design.
VHQ - TV - VHQ Redesign. Simple concept with speed and ease of use the key factors for the design.
VHQ - News - VHQ Redesign. Simple concept with speed and ease of use the key factors for the design.
UM Life - Homepage - Concept Design for the pitch for University Malaya. UM Life is about the community for students after thy leave university.. an Ulumni community website.
UM Life - Content Page - Concept Design for the pitch for University Malaya. UM Life is about the community for students after thy leave university.. an Ulumni community website.
Proton Edar - Website developed for Proton Edar Malaysia This site has approximately 18 applications and is responsible for increasing sales, awareness and education for all current and future Proton memebers
Personal Website - This is my personal online portfolio/resume. Created in Flash MX to show some of my work and as a project in my spare time.
Sputnik72 001 - Old website design I did for myself around the year 2000. Wanted a very open design where I could simply change the background at any time. Was built in flash using draggable windows and x-depth to control the opacity of the layers.
Sputnik72 002 - Old website design I did for myself around the year 2000. Wanted a very open design where I could simply change the background at any time. Was built in flash using draggable windows and x-depth to control the opacity of the layers.
Jason Armstrong
Creative Director Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia