Logo & Letterhead for Combase Mortgages - Logo & Letterhead designed for Combase Mortgages
Logo & Letterhead for Electrifi Inc. - Logo & Letterhead designed for Electrifi Inc.
Web design for Amadeos Inc - Web site designed for Amadeos Inc
DVD package for Human Concepts - Design of DVD package and lable for Human Concepts's product OrgPlus7
Manual cover for Human Concepts - Manual cover for Human Concepts's product OrgPlus7
Manual Cover for Human Concepts - Design of manual cover for Human Concepts's product OrgPlus6
DVD package for Human Concepts - Design of DVD package and lable for Human Concepts's product OrgPlus6
Brochure & logo for Solano Legal offices - Brochure & logo designed for Javier A. Solano Legal offices
Billboard for Solano Legal Offices - Billboard designed for Javier A. Solano Legal Offices
Logo and signage for Solano Legal Offices - Logo and signage designed and installed for Javier A. Solano Legal Offices
Web design for Solano Legal Offices - Web-site designed for Javier A. Solano Legal Offices
Magazine ad for Solano Legal Offices - Magazine ad designed for Javier A. Solano Legal Offices
Brochure for SilverWorld - Brochure designed for SilverWorld jewelry store
Postcard for Gaffey+Associates - Postcard designed for Gaffey+Associates Inc.
E-mail blast and magazine ad for Baubles Inc - Layout designed for e-mail blast and magazine ad for Baubles Inc.
Trade show board for ShesGotPapers Inc - Board layout designed for trade show booth for ShesGotPapers Inc
Brochure for BelloBlinds - 3-fold Brochure designed for BelloBlinds Inc.
Web banner for Lader and Weisberg Diamonds - Web banner for Lader and Weisberg e-bay store
Linesheet for ShesGotPapers - 12-page line sheet designed for ShesGotPapers Inc.
Magazine ad layout for AOL Coaches - Magazine ad layout designed for AOL Coaches
Flyer for Glenwood Pharmacy - Flyer designed for Glenwood Pharmacy
Designs for Commercial Clients
Stan Povelikin
Graphic Designer New York, NY