ANORGASMIA - Infography about about anorgasmia in women. *Made for an infography workshop.
Lona Gigante- Campaña publicitaria del festival cultural PAPIROLAS
Postal- Campaña publicitaria del festival cultural PAPIROLAS
Ingreso - Gaffettes de ingreso al Festival Papirolas
Banners- Banners en el interior del Festival Papirolas
3er Informe de Gobierno. (Proposals) - Book Cover
3er Informe de Gobierno (Proposals) - Printed Invitations
3er Informe de Gobierno.(Proposals) - Backstage
3er Informe de Gobierno.(Proposals) - CD, box and label
Layouts and more

Local Poster Contest

Alejandra Ramirez
Design Regime Sevilla, Spain