Personal Home Robot - The home of the future is intelligent.
Central interlaced, the internal electrical appliances and house installations exchange themselves for more comfort, security, energy efficiency and thus finally, for better living.
Data lines replace the conventional wiring.
The robot works as central remote control and maintenance device for the functions of the smart home. He is perfectly integrated into the internal network of the wired house. He can connect directly to the different home appliances, from heating system to answering set.
He personalizes the building service on the base of his own nature. He is the central communication partner for the user. The robot allows central controlling and supervision from on single point. He is the central interface.
By the robot we are able to communicate with technology in a way, we are just used to do between humans.
Artificial systems react with gesturing to the human user. Technic explains itself to us by behaviour patterns.
The robot works as translator between human and technology, to supply us with information in a way, we understand immediately, without explanation.
By the touch-screen on the robots head, the user can make daily adjustments, like changing the room temperature, looking for e-mails, etc.
With the help of a screen on his chest, the robot gives reference about his current status or which function he implements, on the base of a single icon.
Comparable to the mimic of humans, the robot reacts with the help of his antennas, emotionally.
Joy, dislike, request for attention, interest, irritation are shown us by sign language. He gives signals and reacts to his user in a way, which is intuitively understood.