FaceUp: for students with Asperger's Syndrome - Asperger's Syndrome is described as a Pervasive Development Disorder that is defined as a high end of Autism spectrum continum. Major difficulties for people with AS are that they have deficits in understanding social cues, emotions, and facial expressions; which are the causes of having troubles in social relationships. This product, FaceUp, is to provide effective materials for the teachers to educate students how to identify emotions and facial expressions.
FaceUp: for students with Asperger's Syndrome_Online - Through FaceUponline, users can learn about Asperger's Syndrome, get materials of video clips, worksheets, and mix-and-match booklet. This website based product makes it possible for users to share their ideas and suggestions.
FaceUp: for students with Asperger's Syndrome_3 Products - FaceUp is a website-based product which provides materials such as video-clips in order to teach social cues and emotions, worksheets, mix-and-match booklet, and lesson plans.
FaceUp: for students with Asperger's Syndrome_Mix-and-Match Booklet - The mix-and-match booklet is to teach students with Asperger's Syndrome different facial expressions. The pictures of the face will be divided into two parts. Students will experience of mixing and matching the facial expression and creating their own for certain emotions.
FaceUp: for students with Asperger's Syndrome - The mix-and-match booklet is to teach students with Asperger's Syndrome different facial expressions. The pictures of the face will be divided into two parts. Students will experience of mixing and matching the facial expression and creating their own for certain emotions.
FaceUp: for students with Asperger's Syndrome_worksheets - The worksheets are to assist students with Asperger's Syndrome to identify emotions, express their creative thinking, and improve their reading and writing skills.
FaceUp: for students with Asperger's Syndrome - The videos will be divided into two categories: learning social cues and emotions. 1st captured video is to teach emotions and 2nd captured video is for social cues.
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