Spring - Oil Painting canvas 24 x 36
Self-portrait - Gouche 28 x 19
five senses - the use of the concept over five senses of our human body in abstract form of design. It includes all the famous quotation of each senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell, and demonstrate how important it is for our body. USE: Photoshop, Illustrator
Untitled 1 - Oil Painting canvas 22 x 28
Sweet home - Collage 15 x 24
faces - color pastel 28 x 19
Astray design Rough sketch - This designed astray is for smokers who want to quit. The shape is narrower to create atmosphere that makes smokers to feel the astray is full. It asks smokers to cease the cigar from bottom to bring it up to the top surface faster and cooler.
Art n Design