Reflections Acrylic Collage 19.5x38.5"
Dancing in the Reeds Acrylic Collage 19.5x38.5
Sea of Reeds 36x13" Acrylic Collage - Sea of Reeds took on a life of its own. Sometimes my work defines itself,I only guide it. I did not want to confine the piece in a retangular form, but let it take a more natural flow. Each colored paper was painted seperately on Indian cotton papers by hand, torn and then combined to make a collage painting. If you look closely you will see paintings with in paintings. Materials used are archival.
Between Heaven and Earth Acrylic Collage 311/2x10"
Sheeves in the Wind Acrylic Collage 301/2x13"
Besides Cool Waters
Soft Showers Acrylic Collage31x121/2"
Cool Rush Acrylic Collage 32x12"
Jade Lake Acrylic Collage 22 x28 - I live by the water and love the vision of a vast deep body of water and weather streaming by. These are atmospheric paintings. This series reminds me of the flow of time and that nothing is permanent or stationary. Also, that there is something greater than us at work...Each colored paper was painted seperately on Indian cotton papers by hand, torn and then combined to make a collage painting. If you look closely you will see paintings with in paintings. Materials used are archival.
Stream of Thought Acrylic Collage 22x28" - I live by the water and love the vision of a vast deep body of water and weather streaming by. These are atmospheric paintings. This series reminds me of the flow of time and that nothing is permanent or stationary. Also, that there is something greater than us at work...Each colored paper was painted seperately on Indian cotton papers by hand, torn and then combined to make a collage painting. If you look closely you will see paintings with in paintings. Materials used are archival.
Crystal Waters Acrylic Collage 20 x40" - I live by the water and love the vision of a vast deep body of water and weather streaming by. These are atmospheric paintings. This series reminds me of the flow of time and that nothing is permanent or stationary. Also, that there is something greater than us at work...Each colored paper was painted seperately on Indian cotton papers by hand, torn and then combined to make a collage painting. If you look closely you will see paintings with in paintings. Materials used are archival.
Urban Nights 30x40"Acrylic Collage - My thoughts are of reflected light on fragments of surfaces, memories, and thought, moving through time and space breaking apart and reforming to reorder the future. Nothing is wasted, but reused and made into something new and beautiful.
Inner Light Acrylic Collage 30x40" - I use free form hand painted papers that are used as texture and color underneath the many layers of paint. Many times the papers which are paintings in themselves are covered over in order for the painting to come together through. There are also foils, metallic gold and silver that add a glint or shimmer to some of the surfaces.
Night Dreams 30x40" Acrylic Collage
Night Rythms 30x40" Acrylic Collage
Midnight Moon 30x40"Acrylic Collage
Illuminations 30x40"Acrylic Collage
This Side of The 'Sun II 30x40
Path to Eden 30x30"Acrylic Collage
This Side of the Sun 30x40" Oil Collage
Dancing in the Light 30x40 - Oil Collage
Abstract work available
Sonia Lynn Sadler
Designer/Illustrator New York Metro Area, NJ