
Lorenzo Petrantoni, graphic artist, illustrator, designer, and artist from Milan, Italy, known for his reinterpretations of historical figures from the 19th and 20th century, presents his particular personal aesthetic in Timewarp. His works are created by using 19th-century engravings from books he finds in bookshops, libraries and markets around the world. Using hand-made collages, Petrantoni combines and assembles these engravings to create unique and striking images. His compositions have become iconic, used by renowned brands like Coca Cola, Nespresso, New York Times and many more, as well as museums, publishers, and galleries worldwide. Thanks to his extraordinary creativity and technical mastery, Petrantoni gives vintage images new life and meaning, transforming them into works of contemporary art.
Timewarp presents these works from recent years and is a fascinating journey through time, where the past merges with the present through the creative genius of Lorenzo Petrantoni.

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Slanted Publishers
Editor, Designer, Publisher Karlsruhe, Germany